Tuesday 2 September 2008

Where we live.......Part 2

Every morning I take the dogs out for a walk. Sometimes we pound the pavements of Taradale, other times we go tramping around the local reserves (translated to walking around local open spaces!)

These are a few pictures of where we walk and what we see on our daily walks!

What happens when it rains and we have earthquakes.... Landslips and people lose their gardens!!

We've walked past these sheep a few times.... Can't see their eyes but they can see us!

Then when we were out at the begining of this week ..... Both have had babies!

Further down from the Sheep are some cows! Chester is trying to make friends!

There is an area called Sugar Loaf Reserve, so called because of its steep sides and rounded top, is 127 metres high and is a prominent local landmark that can be seen from most parts of Napier and Taradale. Climbing to the top (I've only made it once!) gives views over towards the Ruahine and Kaweka Mountain ranges and you can just about see them with snow on. The other way is views out to Napier and Napier Hill.

Walking down from the Sugar Loaf reserve is the back of Church Road winery. Nice restaurant and wine tastings here!!

Then it's a short stroll home!

1 comment:

Joerayuk said...

How is New Zealand cuz, it looks fab i wish it was me living there. It's great to see the blog and know what your up to.
Mum, Nick, Scrumpy and Jack send their love.
I've just got back from the cinema with Alfie and Mollie, they say Hi.
We'd love to keep in touch.
Love Joe xx