Sunday 7 September 2008

Ocean Beach

We decided to make a change and take the dogs to Ocean Beach instead of Bay View. The difference is that at Bay View you get a lot of driftwood (whole trees!) and the beach is black volcanic sand and small pebbles. Ocean Beach is lovely and sandy and stretches for miles! Ocean Beach is about a 40 min drive from home....

Views from the sand dunes.......Left one way and right the otherway!

Dan and Lou and the dogs.....

Has to be one of these.........

The Pacific Ocean.......... Next stop Chile!

There is an area of the beach when the tide goes out it exposes what looks like rocks. Only it's not hard it's kinda rock mud!! It has a very distinct pattern and is slippery when wet!! When the tide is out there are lots of small rock pools.

The dogs exploring and with their master! Apologies for the head gear!

A wet dog..!

A view looking back up Ocean Beach from where we'd walked from. As you can see it was a lovely day and we had to dodge the crowds!!

Back to where we started and these are Kiwi holiday homes or 'Baches' (pronounced Batch).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ocean beach, well, i'll have to save up & come on out to fly this place!!!!!!