Sunday 21 September 2008

Sunday 14 Sept - Skiing at Whakapapa ski fields

Mt Ruapehu........

We'd booked ourselves on a 'discover ski package' which gave us all the gear, lift passes and a 2hr group lesson. By the end of the lesson the kids and I could manage (in a fashion!) to get down the nursery slope with out falling over. No pictures of Tony, as after having his feet jammed in ski boots for a couple of hours he was enjoying himself as much as (in his words!) "sticking pins in my eyes!!"

Luckily the weather was brilliant, not a cloud in the sky. Having arrived in our big winter coats, we were soon down to our T-shirts!

Louise's idea of skiing was to launch herself down the slope and ski until she felt she was going toooo fast and then throw herself to the ground!!

Some more pictures......

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