Saturday, 14 June 2008

Football...... or....... Soccer!!!

Both Dan and Lou play for their schools. Dan is competing in a Yr 11 competition between local schools from Napier and Hastings. These are pictures from this mornings match..

These are pictures from Louise's match between her school and a visiting school from Gisborne.(Ilminster Intermediate) They had a 2 day Sports Exchanged where children from Taradale Intermediate visited Gisborne and Gisborne visited Taradale! Louise was to visit Gisborne as part of the Basket Ball Team, but decided to stay and play in the football match. Which they won 2-1, unfortunately Louise seems to be very good at scoring 'off side' goals!! Otherwise the goal score would have been higher!

These are pictures from a practice match between Taradale Intermediate and the Yr9 Girls Team from Taradale High School. Although they are separate schools they share the sports fields at the back of the schools.

Dan and I watching!!

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