Tuesday 1 January 2008

New Years Day!!

Happy New Year!! We spent New Years eve at some friends out on their 'dick'!! drinking till the early hours. I was on the 'sprite' as I had drawn the short straw and had to drive! So Tony took full advantage and polished off quite a few bottles of beer and glasses of wine. Dan wasn't with us he had been invited to a friends and had stayed over. We eventually arrived home around 1:30am and then had a sleep in until 10am New years day. After we collected Dan from his friends we went to the Races! (Click on the pictures for a bigger image!)

Hawkes Bay New Years Day Raceday, the sun was shining and we had a great day. Many people had arrived with their cars and had unpacked picnics, chairs, set up gazebos, BBQ's and made a whole day of it. We arrived in time for the 4th race at 2:35pm. We each picked a horse and had $2 each way bets. Dan's horse (SKIMMIO) came home 1st and mine was 2nd to last. In the next race Louise's horse won (THE PIPER) and mine wasn't placed. Tony's (3 legged donkey!!) choices came home somewhere, but were not placed in any of the races we bet on.

For the next race we decided to go round to see the horses walking round prior to the jockey's getting on.

I decided to go for number 10 LA MONET. Dan was with me at the rail and we were talking about what horses to pick. I mentioned to Dan that I'll have number 10, but then said it will probably come last like my other choices. Then the lady next to us said that number 10 was her horse!!! Oh dear! Ummmm Er! how to get out of that! I mumbled a kind of apology, mentioned that my previous choices hadn't come anywhere and slowly moved away. Well, when Race 6 came Number 10 Won!

We spent $48 dollars on bets and won $46 dollars and a few cents back! Not bad and we didn't have to pay to go in at the gate! The steward said 'Happy New Year, it's your lucky day go in before I change my mind'!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your new years day was a lot of 'fun in the sun'. It's 4:30pm new years day here & i've spent most of the day walking the Malvern Hills in the damp weather!!!.
Have lots of fun, enjoying reading the blogs!!!.
Happy new year to you all from Justin, Mandy & the kids...