We took the dogs to the kennels the night before so we could get an early start (7am). The first road trip of our week away was Napier to Taupo, then to Rotorua, on to Waihi, stopping at Thames, finially getting to Coromandel town.
We stopped at Mac D's for breakie, and then drove on to Rotoura so the kids could have another go at the Luge runs..
Then it was on to Tauranga where we stopped for lunch and then on to Waihi where there is a huge mine (Martha Mine). It's 200m down to the bottom. Check out the diggers near the bottom!

The Cornish Pump house. This was moved from it's original site due to subsidence in Feb 2007. It took 3 months to move the 2000 tonne building.

Then we drove onto Thames where we stopped for provisions and on to our motel in Coromandel town, arriving at 5pm ish..
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