Digger power!
You know about 24hr Cash Machines! Ever run out of ice at a party..? Not a problem here.... Just head down to the 24hr Ice Dispensing Machine. Insert coins, grab your bag of ice!! Couldn't be easier!!
2009 Church Road Red's nearly ready!!

Whilst out walking the dogs we came across a couple of Walnut trees! Never seen them before. So gathered some that had fallen! Now have to think of something to make with them!
Recently there were some Offshore Powerboat Championship held at Napier. I think you can guess which picture I didn't take!!
Oh... and weeks without rain... Then the sky's opened and it poured down!!

Helen, Mandy has loads of recipes for walnuts, send me an e-mail & i'll try & get her to send a few ideas...
Helen, you might want to get yourself a pair of hard sandals and bash the walnuts on your kitchen table. Just think back to how DW used to smash his nuts in the office!! SK
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