These are observations / views after being here for 3 months….(in no particular order!)
1. The Town is CLEAN! You don’t see litter and rubbish on the side of the roads. No ‘dumping’ of fridges etc either!.
2. We have an Orange and lemon tree in our garden. Also just discovered Vines growing!.
3. Flip flops are called ‘jandels’.
4. Hamburgers, Burgers are called ‘patties’.
5. It’s odd to have the queen’s head on the coins!.
6. I have gotten used to driving an Automatic car...... No gears don’t know why I hadn’t tried it before…!.
7. When it rains it RAINS!!! Weird walking around in T-shirts when it rains!.
8. TV Adverts for drenching (worming!) your sheeps!.
9. At the weekends ‘Sausage Sizzle’ is the norm outside DIY shops, Warehouse, supermarkets! (Sausage, wrapped in bread with sauce and onions for $1) Health and Safety wouldn’t allow that outside Tescos!. (Its a fund raising thing!)
10. Mullet haircuts are still in fashion..!
11. DJ’s swear on the radio! and don’t get fired!
12. Fruit is huge! Big apples, strawberries.
13. Hot Dog is a Sausage in batter dipped in tomato sauce on a stick.
14. Hot puppie (isn’t a what you think!) small sausage!
15. Beaches are 10 minutes drive away.
16. The countryside is amazing and hilly.....!
17. People walk around bare foot, in the shops, supermarkets, banks you name it they go there!
18. Also it’s not uncommon to see people shopping in their Pjs..!
19. If you’re going to a party it's the norm to bring a plate! (not an empty one!)
20. You pronounce wh as 'f' in kiwi road names and places!
21. Sweets are lollies.
22. You have to give way when driving when someone wants to turn right and you do too!
23. You pick up a copy of 'Pig Hunter' from the magazine rack instead of FHM!
24. Get used to avocado and or beetroot in your sandwich / salad!.
25. Wine becomes your favored drink and you can easily finish a bottle!
26. When visiting people you get invited out on to the 'dick'..!
27. Kids have Mufty days and you know what they mean.
28. An estate car is a station wagon,
29. They call football, soccer.
30. It costs to go to the rubbish dump!
31. Togs are swimming cossie!
32. The air raid siren (call out to volunteer firefighters) doesn't make you run for cover.
33. School children manning the school crossings with barriers that push out into the road with a ‘stop’ sign on the end!
34. Car number plates – Kiwis are mad on creating their own – See (I haven't manage to work out one for us yet!)
35. Dog Travel – Some travel in a box on the back of a ute with a hole cut out on the side for them to stick their heads out..! Some travel in a kennel like house attached to the tow bar…! First thing to go if you’re bumped from the rear…. The pooch! Others are just loose in the back of a ute / pickup!
36. Words with E loose their English pronunciation here as E changes to I
e.g Pegs = Pigs, Red = Rid, Yes = Yis, Pets = Pits, Deck = Dick (!)
37. Lots of UK TV programs shown here.. E.g Corrie, Stenders!, Top Gear, Grand Designs, Silent Witness
38. Corner shops / Newsagents etc are called Dairy's...
39. They say Dub Dub Dub for WWW when advertising web pages...
40. You don't have to have Car insurance!!!!
41. Driving over 100k seems scary, now that I drive around town at 50k!!
42. No TV Licence, downside there are ads every 10/15 mins so a movie can last more than 3hrs!!!!
43. Towels, Bed Sheets, Duvet covers etc are referred to as 'Manchester'.
44. Crisps are called Chips, as in Potato Chips maybe!.
45. The roads are so wide I can do a 'u-turn' in the 4x4 in 1 go! no more 3 point turns!.
46. Paint is expensive $260 ish for 14ltr......... that's approx £100!!!
47. You can't buy spirits from the supermarket, only beer and wine. You have to go to a separate store to buy spirits.