Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas Day...

With all the recent snow in the UK we were sent a picture of a Snowman in a bikini.

So we decided at the beach we'd try and make our version. These are our efforts. I think we need more practice!!

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The dogs did some diggin!!

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Dan going for a walk with Barney and Archie...


Unfortunately for Archie he didn't realise that there were deep grooves where the sea had eroded the hard rock and he went from paddling to swimming in one step.!!

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Last picture upload for 2010... The beach on Christmas day....

Sunday, 19 December 2010


We've had quite a few great sunsets recently...

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The colours are amazing...

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Don't know if the pictures can really do it... Perhaps you have to be here to experience them..!

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Sunday, 12 December 2010

Meet Archie....

Say Hello! to Archie.... He's a 4mth old Jack Russell x Fox Terrier..! Very fast and vocal! He's Barneys new 'friend'.. Likes shoes and toilet rolls and hides his dog biscuits around the house and garden!

It's great to see Archie and Barney chasing around the garden playing.

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At the end of a hard days play......


Tuesday, 7 December 2010

This will get you out of the water quick...!

Went for a walk along the beach at Westshore on Sunday. We'd been on a walk along the shore line and had turned back to head back to the car when we spotted these fins cruising along in the water.

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There were about 5-6 big and little Orcas! They were swimming along the bay just the otherside of the wave brake, very close to the shore line... It was amazing to see them just swim by... and so close.