Friday, 30 May 2008

May Update!

We've not done very much since our trip to Wellington last month. Dan has been busy every weekend either working on Saturday's or attending rehearsals on Sunday afternoons for his school's performance of 'My Fair Lady'. We're off to see him in it on the last show night Friday 30th.

Louise made it into the school Football ..Doh! I mean Soccer Team! And has to be at school for 07:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hours training before school starts. She's still doing her 'dog walking' job and is now saving for a new Ipod as her current one only stores 350 songs!!! Which in her view is not enough!!

The weather is getting colder!! There was even frost on the car this morning! Almost every house here has a 'wood burner'. Not to good for the environment I guess with all houses churning out smoke every night, but they keep us nice and warm! I no longer panic when I smell smoke and think that our house is on fire!! Only thing is that you have to get your washing out early otherwise it will smell smokey!! This is ours in action!!

And it heats the water too, so a saving on the electricity!

We've got some new neighbours too! The old ones..... These chaps have gone! I guess they got fat enough!

And these have replaced them! Awwwwwwww! There are 6 of them roaming around the woods and fields next to us! Three brown ones and three black ones!

That's about it for this month.